Vendor: CarryologyCarryology Artist Series UNICORN HUNTER V2 CAS04 The third installment of our Carryology Artist Series and the second imagining of our Unicorn Hunter. A patch carefully crafted to not only be a work of art but something that represents our carry community and culture. Something...
- HK$240.00
- HK$240.00
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Vendor: Oorah2025 富士山登頂紀念章套裝組 你也曾親身沐浴在富士山頂的「御來光」之中嗎? 或是你即將啟程。 令和7年,浮世繪風格設計 2025 年富士登頂章由 Oorah Design 承接設計,今年的風格特別以《浮世繪》為發想,圖騰、配色、繡線等模擬日本傳統刺繡,並且加入了 2024 年造訪富士山的紫金山彗星、鳥居等元素。仔細看,還能找到傳說中的本栖湖水怪喔! 附上具有登頂證書功能的卡片 臂章套裝中包含一張具有書寫登頂時間與簽名處的紙卡,可以放入明信片大小的像框中,即可做為居家擺設,時時紀念那份達成人生清單時的感動。 套裝包含一張抗 UV 防水貼紙 高品質的厚磅抗 UV 防水材質,可作為汽車貼紙,貼在行李箱上也非常適合喔。特殊的背膠材質即使經過數年在撕下後也不易有大片殘膠,貼紙周圍輕微的膠水痕跡只要使用汽車除柏油噴劑即可輕鬆擦除。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 商品包含:刺繡布章 / 抗 UV 防水汽車貼紙 / 證書紙卡各一材質:SP 亮光紗刺繡線(背面已車縫魔鬼氈,另附一片毛面魔鬼氈)尺寸:6.9 x 8.5cm
- HK$110.00
- HK$110.00
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Vendor: SuburbanTribute to Kobe Brian, Bryant has became one of the NBA's most respectful players and has played with the Lakers for his entire NBA Career. Bryant is the only player in league history to have two jersey numbers retired with the same team. The...
- HK$180.00
- HK$180.00
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Vendor: Suburban"招財進寶"是一個中文成語,意思是希望能夠招來財富並讓財富進入家裡。這個成語常常用來祝福他人能夠財源廣進,生意興隆。它是一個流行的祝福語,也常常出現在農曆新年期間的吉祥物或裝飾品上,代表著對未來財富的美好祝願。
- HK$50.00
- HK$50.00
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Vendor: Mystery RanchKeep Things Neat and Tidy Web Keepers are the perfect solution to control the dangling and loose straps on your pack. Slip these strips of Velcro through the looped ends of any webbing strap and you can roll the excess length up and contain...
- HK$108.00
- HK$108.00
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Vendor: SuburbanBlue Screen of Death (BSoD), :) Rest assured. this bag can handle any challenge with ease. PVC Velcro Backed 5cm x 5cm | 2" x 2" 8cm x 5cm | 3" x 2" FREE Worldwide Shipping to the following countries with more than 3pcs: North...
- From HK$60.00
- From HK$60.00
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Vendor: EvergoodsCustomize and add increased functionality to your EVERGOODS pack(s) with 3 high-vis patches using material certified for use in industrial safety applications. Precision die-cut and sized to fit securely on the 2x2 inch EVERGOODS loop patch on your backpack. Bundle includes: 1 reflective silver,...
- HK$180.00
- HK$180.00
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Vendor: EvergoodsAdd increased visibility to your EVERGOODS backpacks or pouches with our GLOW patch (glow-in-the-dark). IN the absence of light more easily locate your kit in dark in the trunk of a car, tent, or dark hotel room. Fully charges in 5 minutes of direct...
- HK$150.00
- HK$150.00
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Vendor: SuburbanTribute to Kobe Brian, Bryant has became one of the NBA's most respectful players and has played with the Lakers for his entire NBA Career. Bryant is the only player in league history to have two jersey numbers retired with the same team. The...
- HK$80.00
- HK$80.00
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Vendor: Suburban相信不少客人都係我地銅鑼灣分店見過一個獨特嘅綠色空間,入面有不少奇特植物包括有龍舌蘭、鹿角蕨、熱植、塊根等等,其實所有植物都係我地銅鑼灣店長嘅私人收藏,而塊根亦都係呢幾年分別係日本/台灣/香港捲起過一陣熱潮,當中有一款叫「象牙宮」嘅塊根係屬於每一位塊根收藏者都會接觸嘅品種,於是我地將會用象牙宮推出一個限量刺繡魔術貼章,利用象牙宮圓滾滾嘅外觀結合上日本達摩不倒翁,取其永不言敗的寓意為植物許願祈福,提早發根健康成長。當中亦都有一個小細節,就是兩款刺繡章上的象牙宮達摩會有不同嘅眼睛,未長出葉嘅象牙宮達摩就好比未發根處於許願階段所以只會點上左眼,而另一個已長葉的象牙宮達摩就是代表願望達成了所以就會點上一對眼睛。
- HK$180.00
- HK$180.00
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Vendor: SuburbanGet Your Limited-Edition "LunarTicks" Patch! Join us in supporting the Hong Kong Conservancy with our exclusive "LunarTicks" morale patch! Featuring a space-themed hiker, this fun design celebrates our participation in Moontrekker 2024. Perfect for your gear, this patch shows you're part of the adventure...
- HK$200.00
- HK$200.00
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Vendor: Oorah刺繡臂章 / 403 救援任務士氣章 此圖騰設計為 Supply Section 無償開放版權,供實際參與支援的單位自由使用,藉此致敬。 設計元素 代表色 - 救援橘 / 救難人員與搜救犬 / 空勤總隊 UH-60M 直昇機 / 落石中挺進 /士氣呼號 " That Others May Live "取自 US Air Force - PJ 格言 “These things we do, that others may live.” 藉此致敬搜救人員的無私付出。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準。...
- HK$75.00
- HK$75.00
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Vendor: Oorah《Estrella 冰島極光》臂章 旅行攝影師 Estrella 心星聯名款臂章 畫面呈現在冰島 Sólheimasandur 荒蕪而粗獷的黑沙灘上,一架美軍 DC-3 運輸機飽經風霜的殘骸,躺臥在這片寂靜中,夜空中彷彿緞帶流動般的北極光,構成了這幀經典畫面。此款 Estrella 聯名臂章為 CAPA-2 攝影包的專屬贈品(贈品為車縫版),想單獨擁有臂章的朋友們可以在此頁面購得「魔鬼氈版」。 ▲ 魔鬼氈版:附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 尺寸:Ø8cm產地:台灣
- HK$60.00
- HK$60.00
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Vendor: Dan MatsudaA collection of twelve mini woven patch inspired from Hanafuda cards. Info Dimensions: 2” x 2” Woven multi-colored face with merrowed edge Velcro Hook Backing with Loop cover Woven fabric may pill over time. To preserve its appearance please avoid contact with other surfaces.
- HK$160.00
- HK$160.00
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Vendor: Mystery RanchOur morale patch offering showcases original MYSTERY RANCH artwork – not found anywhere else. All morale patches are backed with hook Velcro® to attach to the existing loop on your pack. No worries if you don’t have a loop patch, these morale patches also...
- HK$108.00
- HK$108.00
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Vendor: Oorah同島之盾 - 台灣防衛士氣章 防衛之盾,決心之劍,劍與山構成 TW 字母,排灣族傳統織物的黑底金線配色。兩款分別為阿美族語和台語的精神呼號:《 Sa'icelen 》《 Ka Kī Lâng 》。 ▲ Sa'icelen:阿美族語,讀音「薩以責任」,有出力、加油、堅持、永不放棄之意。 ▲ Ka Kī Lâng:台語「自己人」之音譯,作為識別與相互打氣。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 材質:SP 亮光紗刺繡線(背面已車縫魔鬼氈,另附一片毛面魔鬼氈)尺寸:7 x 8.5cm
- HK$75.00
- HK$75.00
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Vendor: Oorah翻玩臂章 / We Win Today 一切責任都在美方 翻玩美國海軍航空假想敵單位臂章「棍棒與石頭」,更新臂章上的戰機並更改標語:「一切責任都在美方」。台灣製作,全繡線立體刺繡,底色也以繡線鋪墊。尺寸與原單位攻伐臂章相同,背後的勾面魔鬼氈可直接配戴於飛行夾克或飛行服上,並另外附上一片黑色毛面魔鬼氈以供 DIY 應用。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準※ 單位團體訂製 、加繡字體等客製服務,50 片以上起訂,請洽詢客服訊息。 商品規格 尺寸:Ø8cm產地:台灣
- HK$75.00
- HK$75.00
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Vendor: Oorah未雨計畫 / TCDF 台灣士氣章 《 未雨計畫 》為台灣各地不同單位與團體的去中心化共同計畫,由 Supply Section 提供視覺設計與裝備製造代工。除了軍警消或民防單位無法公開販售的代工產品之外,將陸續推出商業版本系列產品在 Oorah 官網上架。 士氣呼號 "Defend My Homland!" 在地緣政治動盪且天災頻繁的這座島上,我們願放下立場,付出一己之長,共同守護這片家園。亞洲黑熊平靜但堅定的眼神,仔細看胸口的 V 字裡,藏著的是台灣的群山、星空、和團結的我們。 高品質刺繡臂章 合作廠商為台灣優秀的軍用臂章刺繡公司,繡線立體精緻,針密與色彩皆能完整呈現設計細節,外圈立體包邊漂亮!有「魔鬼氈」及「車縫」兩種版本可選。 ▲ 魔鬼氈版:附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 尺寸:Ø9.5cm產地:台灣
- HK$60.00
- HK$60.00
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Vendor: Hazard 4Washable rubber patches w/ hook-backing that allows them to be mounted on any fuzzy loop patch area. _Durable rubber material_Easy to remove and wash_Glow in the dark option for night vision (select patches) SPECS & DIMS External Size ~3.2" L x 3.2" W x...
- HK$100.00
- HK$100.00
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Glow in the Dark/Red