Vendor: OorahPCT 太平洋屋脊步道臂章 「當我置身在 PCT 大自然的神聖之中,我才明白這無關挑戰、不是壯遊、更談不上成就,這是段靈魂洗滌、向宇宙和解的自我追尋過程。」 Supply Section 這次設計了 PCT 太平洋屋脊步道紀念章,贊助來自台灣的登山者「老山宅」,紀念這趟義無反顧的旅程,也分享給所有對 PCT 太平洋屋脊步道有憧憬的朋友們。(部分收益資助 PCT 健行者計畫)PCT 太平洋屋脊步道,起於墨西哥,穿越美國後北達加拿大,是一段 2,655 英里的健行步道,途經沙漠、草原、雪地、高山,許多補給困難的路段,沿途需要靠山友之間的互助以及「步道天使」的協助才得以越過,因此人文的元素也是 PCT 的特色與迷人之處。台灣登山者「老山宅」第一次出國,就隻身帶著登山背包和一把二胡,直接闖入 PCT ,迎向 PCT 帶給他的態度矯正和觀念矯正、以及滿滿的收穫。沿途經歷裝備失誤、行程受挫、受傷、甚至是步道夥伴的猝逝消息,由一度面臨放棄,到夥伴間互相扶持最終抵達終點。相信這對任何人都會是趟永生難忘、寫進隔世記憶的深刻旅程。
- HK$100.00
- HK$100.00
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Vendor: Oorah同島之盾 - 台灣防衛士氣章 防衛之盾,決心之劍,劍與山構成 TW 字母,排灣族傳統織物的黑底金線配色。兩款分別為阿美族語和台語的精神呼號:《 Sa'icelen 》《 Ka Kī Lâng 》。 ▲ Sa'icelen:阿美族語,讀音「薩以責任」,有出力、加油、堅持、永不放棄之意。 ▲ Ka Kī Lâng:台語「自己人」之音譯,作為識別與相互打氣。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 材質:SP 亮光紗刺繡線(背面已車縫魔鬼氈,另附一片毛面魔鬼氈)尺寸:7 x 8.5cm
- HK$75.00
- HK$75.00
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Vendor: Oorah《嘉明湖星空下》臂章 夜裡的天使之淚,如此閃耀 你也曾親臨嘉明湖的美麗嗎?如果我們足夠幸運,能遇見在夜裡映著星光閃耀的嘉明湖,那將是生命中最陶醉的畫面。 高品質刺繡臂章 特別使用具有光澤的緞面刺繡線,山景與湖面會隨著光線角度而表現出不同的明暗光澤,包含星空的底色也使用全繡線表現,是一款台灣製作的精美作品。附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ▲ 附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 尺寸:Ø95cm刺繡布章:背面已車縫魔鬼氈,並附一片毛面魔鬼氈產地:台灣
- HK$75.00
- HK$75.00
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Vendor: Oorah《Estrella 冰島極光》臂章 旅行攝影師 Estrella 心星聯名款臂章 畫面呈現在冰島 Sólheimasandur 荒蕪而粗獷的黑沙灘上,一架美軍 DC-3 運輸機飽經風霜的殘骸,躺臥在這片寂靜中,夜空中彷彿緞帶流動般的北極光,構成了這幀經典畫面。此款 Estrella 聯名臂章為 CAPA-2 攝影包的專屬贈品(贈品為車縫版),想單獨擁有臂章的朋友們可以在此頁面購得「魔鬼氈版」。 ▲ 魔鬼氈版:附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 尺寸:Ø8cm產地:台灣
- HK$60.00
- HK$60.00
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Vendor: Oorah《勇抱野性、豪不畏懼》臂章 攝影師陳勇豪 CJ PAPA 聯名款臂章 Stay Wild! Stay Child! 陳勇豪是一位將生活哲學完美融入專業工作中的台灣攝影師,他充滿幽默、野性、與溫暖的創作風格,凝結剎那、觸動人心。而在專業領域之外,陳勇豪也透過全家徒步環島等計畫的實踐,傳遞對於生命與教育的想法與呼籲。此款陳勇豪 CJ PAPA 聯名臂章為 CAPA-2 攝影包的專屬贈品(贈品為車縫版),想單獨擁有臂章的朋友們可以在此頁面購得「魔鬼氈版」。 ▲ 魔鬼氈版:附勾毛兩面魔鬼粘,可直接黏貼於任何具有毛面魔鬼粘的背包、服飾或戰術背心上。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 尺寸:Ø8cm產地:台灣
- HK$60.00
- HK$60.00
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Vendor: Oorah2025 富士山登頂紀念章套裝組 你也曾親身沐浴在富士山頂的「御來光」之中嗎? 或是你即將啟程。 令和7年,浮世繪風格設計 2025 年富士登頂章由 Oorah Design 承接設計,今年的風格特別以《浮世繪》為發想,圖騰、配色、繡線等模擬日本傳統刺繡,並且加入了 2024 年造訪富士山的紫金山彗星、鳥居等元素。仔細看,還能找到傳說中的本栖湖水怪喔! 附上具有登頂證書功能的卡片 臂章套裝中包含一張具有書寫登頂時間與簽名處的紙卡,可以放入明信片大小的像框中,即可做為居家擺設,時時紀念那份達成人生清單時的感動。 套裝包含一張抗 UV 防水貼紙 高品質的厚磅抗 UV 防水材質,可作為汽車貼紙,貼在行李箱上也非常適合喔。特殊的背膠材質即使經過數年在撕下後也不易有大片殘膠,貼紙周圍輕微的膠水痕跡只要使用汽車除柏油噴劑即可輕鬆擦除。 ※ 因拍攝場所、環境光線、螢幕色差等,商品顏色會與實品略有不同,請以實品為準 商品規格 商品包含:刺繡布章 / 抗 UV 防水汽車貼紙 / 證書紙卡各一材質:SP 亮光紗刺繡線(背面已車縫魔鬼氈,另附一片毛面魔鬼氈)尺寸:6.9 x 8.5cm
- HK$110.00
- HK$110.00
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Vendor: LeathermanThe Leatherman Rev allows you to grab a toolbox full of functionality and keep it at your fingertips, no matter where you might be: under the hood, at the campground, finishing honey-do projects around the house or cracking open a cold one at the...
- HK$495.00
- HK$495.00
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Vendor: LeathermanTOOL (7) Scraper Bottle Opener 1/4” Hex Bit Driver Medium Screwdriver Open Wrench (English) Box Wrench (Metric) Box Opener SPECIFICATIONS PRODUCT TYPE Pocket ToolWEIGHT 1.9 oz | 54 gLENGTH 3.87 in | 9.82 cm
- HK$125.00
- HK$125.00
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Vendor: LeathermanInspired by Tim Leatherman’s original Pocket Survival Tool, Bond pairs classic design with the tools needed to tackle everyday tasks. At a mere 5.8 oz, this lightweight multi-tool provides 14 essential implements including pliers, a durable 420HC knife blade, and a set of standard...
- HK$680.00
- HK$680.00
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Vendor: LeathermanWith the Rebar, Leatherman fans will immediately recognize the iconic box-like shape found in Tim Leatherman's original PST design. The Rebar pliers have been optimized for strength and feature replaceable wire/hard-wire cutters—a first for a four-inch tool from Leatherman. With all the features to...
- HK$870.00
- HK$870.00
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Vendor: LeathermanClosed Length: 3.8 in. | 9.65 cm. Features Locking BladeLock your knife blade into place and unlock to fold it away for a safer way to work. Replaceable Pocket ClipUse this clip to attach your multi-tool to a pocket or belt loop. Remove the...
- HK$780.00
- HK$780.00
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Vendor: LeathermanJUICE CS3 Open things in the kitchen or campsite with a can opener, scissors, bottle opener and corkscrew. The Juice CS3 opens it all with a can opener, scissors, bottle opener and corkscrew. Perfect for the kitchen drawer or the camping bag. 25–year Limited...
- HK$285.00
- HK$285.00
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Vendor: LeathermanFeatures Handle Bit StorageConveniently store Leatherman tool bits in your multi-tool’s handle for easy access during a job, or for safekeeping. Locking BladeLock your knife blade into place and unlock to fold it away for a safer way to work. Replaceable Pocket ClipUse this...
- From HK$1,080.00
- From HK$1,080.00
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OD Green
Vendor: LeathermanFeatures All Locking FeaturesEvery feature (except the plier head) locks into place, so you can use the tools safely and effectively. Lanyard RingThis secure ring attaches the tool safely and securely to a lanyard. Replaceable Pocket Clip & Quick-release Lanyard RingThis set includes a...
- HK$1,630.00
- HK$1,630.00
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Vendor: EvergoodsThe mobile size of our bestselling backpack, now in a custom waxed canvasshell. A streamlined profile, excellent fit, and intuitive access have made the CPL series an award-winner and our bestselling backpack style for 8 years. We took its modern DNA and infused it with...
- HK$3,290.00
- HK$3,290.00
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Waxed Tan
Vendor: EvergoodsOur bestselling backpack in a custom waxed canvas shell. A streamlined profile, excellent fit, and intuitive access have made CPL24 an award-winner and our bestselling backpack for 8 years. We took its modern DNA and infused it with a custom-made, high-end cotton & wax-finished shell called...
- HK$3,790.00
- HK$3,790.00
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Waxed Tan
Vendor: EvergoodsWaterproof protection for daily essentials EFP is a protected and waterproof pouch, created by combining our custom-developed ELEMENT textile with a gas-impermeable waterproof zipper utilizing radio-frequency welding. Sized to hold a myriad of loads, from tech accessories to outdoor emergency gear to travel essentials....
- HK$390.00
- HK$390.00
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Expedition Yellow
Solution Dyed Black
Vendor: BellroyPremium feel meets rugged performance – this iPhone case gives you the confidence to ride the bumps and focus on what matters most. FEATURES Fits an iPhone 16 Pro Max MagSafe and wireless charging compatible Raised camera rim for protection Includes adjustable lanyard to...
- HK$390.00
- HK$390.00
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Vendor: Mystery RanchOur morale patch offering showcases original MYSTERY RANCH artwork – not found anywhere else. All morale patches are backed with hook Velcro® to attach to the existing loop on your pack. No worries if you don’t have a loop patch, these morale patches also...
- HK$108.00
- HK$108.00
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Vendor: Mystery RanchOur morale patch offering showcases original MYSTERY RANCH artwork – not found anywhere else. All morale patches are backed with hook Velcro® to attach to the existing loop on your pack. No worries if you don’t have a loop patch, these morale patches also...
- HK$108.00
- HK$108.00
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